Sunday, November 4, 2007

*** Start Training Today ***

Mick Stewart CFT BST trains a client
at his home gym in Houston, Texas.

If you want to gain LEAN MUSCLE or LOSE FAT, call us today...

New Year's is approaching and the time is ripe to begin weight training. If you have never used a personal trainer before - take the time to educate yourself on what type of trainer you want, the price your willing to pay and write down your physical fitness goals. We offer a free, two hour meeting, one (1) free session, free protein smoothie after your workout and a host of nutritional and fitness objectives tailer to your height, weight and bodytype as well as a (real) fitness education to help you make the best nutritional choices while you train. REMEMBER: It is 95% diet, 5% fitness!

If you are willing to sweat (and sweat you will)
to earn muscle the HARD WAY - call us.
If you want to train with the best - call Mike Stewart Fitness today.

Mike Stewart Fitness
eat healthy * lift heavy

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